Version 2021
If you are the victim of a crime or the witness to a crime, you can report this to the police. ASVA advises students to do this; this way the police and municipality get a better view of the safety of your living area. With this data they can better anticipate the needs of students.
It is possible to file a police report in different ways:
It’s possible to report a crime online in many situations. This is easy, convenient and it’s possible to save your progress so you can take your time filling it out. On the police website you can find some general information about reporting a crime and what is needed to do this online.
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The forms for filing a report online are all in Dutch. If you are unable to fill in the forms and cannot get someone to help you with them, you can also visit the police station. For this you should first call 0900-8844 to book an appointment.
If you need to report another type of crime than the three listed above, you can only file the report at the police station. You have to call 0900-8844 to make an appointment.
If you wish to report the crime online, go to the website You will see this menu of crimes you can report:
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Select the option that applies to you. You will get this menu:
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It is not possible to report the crime online if violence was used, you got hurt, or if you know the perpetrator. If you answer any of the abovementioned questions with yes, you will be asked to call 0900-8844 to make an appointment to go to the police station. If you answer all questions with no, you can proceed and log in with your DigiD.
You will then see (a variation of) the following screen:
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Fill in all relevant information here. Afterwards you will receive a copy and confirmation of the report. If the police decide to investigate the crime, they will get in touch with you. The police will always investigate in the case of a home invasion or in the case of a violent crime. Please note that lying in your report is a crime in and of itself.
You can call 0900-8844 to report the crime on the phone. The person on the line will ask you a number of questions. Of course, you also have the opportunity to ask questions yourself. Please note that the emergency number is 112, which you should (only) use in case of emergencies.
At the police station
It is possible to report the crime at the police station if you first make an appointment. You can do this by calling 0900-8844. For some crimes it is only possible to report the crime at the police station, for example in the case of a home invasion or in the case of a violent crime. The person on the phone will be able to give you more information. Make sure to bring you passport or ID.
The police visit you
If the crime happened inside your home, the police will pay you a visit at home. If this is necessary in your situation, they will let you know on the phone when you call 0900-8844.
Anonymous report (melding)
If you want to stay anonymous or don’t want to talk to the police, you can also make an anonymous report by calling 0800-7000 or by visiting this website: Please note that a report here is not the same as an official police report, report in this case means melding not aangifte. Meldingmeans you’re merely notifying the police, whereas aangifte means you’re actively asking the police to investigate a crime. If the matter at hand is urgent or if you’re experiencing any kind of nuisance (overlast), you should not use this service.
Reporting unsafe living to ASVA
ASVA has an online form to report incidents that happen inside or around your home. You can for example report if you see a crime happen from your window or if your window gets smashed. We use this information to focus our efforts and better act in the interests of students, by talking to landlords and to the municipality. You can report anonymously. If you do give us your email address, we will send you an email with more information. You can file a report here:
If you need help or have any questions, you can reach us at If you are the victim of a serious crime and do not wish to go to the police station alone, you can also let us know.
More info
You can find more information on these websites: