Six to eight times a year, ASVA organises a General Assembly for its member (Dutch abbr. ALV).
GA dates 24|25
- Tuesday February 11, 2025
- Wednesday April 9, 2025
- Tuesday June 10, 2025
- Friday August 29, 2025
The higher body of an association is the General Assembly. Traditionally, the members of an association decide on the policy plans and activities of the association for the upcoming year. Because it has become virtually impossible to deliberate with all members on about day-to-day business and expenses, a board is usually set up. This happens during the General Assembly (GA).
GAs are led by a presidium. The presidium consists of a chairman and a secretary who takes minutes. The chair manages the assemblies and makes sure all votes run smoothly. The secretary takes minutes and these minutes are subsequently distributed amongst the membership.
During the GA, the members are updated about everything that’s going on at ASVA. Besides, ASVA members can share their vision and jointly decide on what direction ASVA is taking, by participating in the GA. A vote is cast, for instance, about the plans of the Board, the budget is discussed and members are asked to think along about current events.
All information, rules and standard procedures can be found in the GA regulations. Below, you can find a brief explanation about the targets of a GA, competences, obligations and the general procedures.
Everyone is welcome to attend the AVSA GAs. However, member have more competences:
- They receive the documents that will be discussed on beforehand
- They may give input and put topics on the agenda
- They have the right to vote during the GA
The competences of the GA include the following:
- Changing the statutes
- Appoint and dismiss board members
- Appoint and dismiss commissioners and – if applicable – their remuneration
- Clear* board members
- Approve the budget and the annual account
- Expel a member
In the statutes is laid out that certain tasks and competences of the GA are delegated to committees. Think of the hiring committee, which selects the new board, or the cash office control committee.
* i.e. “honourably firing” of a board member; the GA can halt a clearing, e.g. if the treasurer has not finalised the annual account yet.
Two weeks before the GA**, the preliminary GA documents and agenda are sent to all members who have signed up to receive the documents. These documents can be read and commented upon. Comments can be sent to the Presidium (, or to the Board member whom it concerns.
** One week before the GA, the definite documents are sent out.
For each point on the agenda, a document must be distributed amongst the membership. Through these documents, the members are informed about the agenda in a comprehensive manner. In this way, all members will be prepared for the assembly and they are given the possibility to prepare questions.
GAs usually take place on a Monday at 19:00h, below you can find the dates of the upcoming GAs. During GAs, a quorum needs to be constituted. This means that a minimum number of ASVA members must be present for the GA to begin and to carry out certain votes.
During the GA, the points on the agenda are discussed one by one. There are informing and decision-making points. A decision-making agenda point is dealt with by voting. Votes are cast either in a closed manner, by acclamation or by raising hands. Voting by acclamation is done when there is consensus amongst the member. The point will than be accepted by applauding. Closed votes are cast by handing out notes, on which the vote can be noted down. One can vote in favour, against, white or abstain. All voting procedures are always explained during the GA, so that everyone is informed properly and know what they are voting for.
Before the GA is closed, there is room for questions. Then, there usually is time to continue talking during drinks or at a place nearby.
* Do you want to receive the GA documents? Send an email to the student desk.
** Do you also want to see older documents? Send an email to the Presidium.
Every year, a number of committees are appointed.
- Presidium
- Cash office control committee
- Search committee
- Hiring committee
Apart from that, a committee taking care of the general policy frameworks is also appointed, but this only happens once in every five years.