ASVA elects lustrum board

Last night the GMM of the ASVA Student Union voted in the new lustrum board. This will be the union’s 80th board. The new chair is Teun Otte, student Teacher of History at the HvA. Other board members are Emma van Elburg as vice chair, Fleur van Giersbergen as secretary, Ide Hiemstra as treasurer and Zep van de Visse as general board member. Emma is studying Cultural Anthropology, Fleur Political Science and Zep Philosophy and Political Science. All three are studying at the UvA. Ide is doing the pre-master Econometrics and Operations Research at the VU.

The new board has been approved, but will only start working from August 28. Teun, the incoming chair: “I am incredibly happy with the incoming board. Even though we have only just been approved, there is an enthusiastic and combative atmosphere among us. We are going to need that too, because this year we will have to fight very hard for our students. Our cabinet’s plans mean nothing more than even heavier burdens on student shoulders, we as a union cannot just let that happen.”