Amsterdam Board Day

The Amsterdam Board Day is an annual event, organised by ASVA, to support (prospective) student boards. If you are a board member of a study, student or residents’ association, or are starting a year in the participation council or OC of your educational institution, this day is for you! Get to know other board members while you also attend substantive training sessions.

Start ABD | October 12th

As most boards change each academic year, a board day is organised in September or October where there are three rounds of training, coffee, lunch and dinner with drinks. When you register, please indicate your preference for the training sessions. You may not be able to attend your top 3 due to scheduling, so please pass on a top 5 of trainings you want to attend, so that you can attend as many as possible that are relevant to you.

Practical information

Location: CREA Muziekzaal

Day: October 12th

Time: 10:30-19:00


The cost per participant is 30** euros for boardmembers of partner associations* of ASVA and 40** euros for boardmembers of non-partner associations* of ASVA.

* You are not a partner association yet? Become a partner association for 20 euros per year.

** Do you know in advance that you cannot stay for dinner and indicate this in the registration form or two weeks prior to the event via Then you can get a 5 euro discount.


You enter a top 5 training courses, depending on interest and language preferences, a schedule is made for the first and second rounds. During the 3rd round you will follow a training with your entire board. In round 3 it depends on the interest and availability to which training you as a board are assigned.

Coaching ABD

Since there are also associations that do their board change around the new calendar year, we offer training sessions here for those new board members. In addition, for board members who changed in September, it is a great time to reflect on the past six months and look ahead to what lies ahead.

It starts with a joint opening with coffee and tea, a round of training/coaching, a joint lunch and then a second round of training/coaching. Afterwards, those who feel like it can finish off with a drink at the reception.

Program 1 – Training for new board members

For brand-new boards, there are two training rounds where individual training sessions can be attended. When you register, you indicate your preference for the training sessions. You may not be able to attend your top 2 due to scheduling, so please pass on a top 5 of trainings you would like to attend, so that you can attend as many as possible that are relevant to you.

Program 2 – coaching and teambuilding for halfway your board day

For boards that are halfway through the year and are ready for some reflection and teambuilding (to get out of the almost inevitable winter dip), we offer coaching. In groups of two to four boards (+- 12 participants) you will work with a coach for two rounds to reflect on how your board year is going so far, exchange knowledge and tips, do teambuilding and how to combat the second half of your board year. In addition, attention can already be paid to preparing for the handover, for those who need it.


Registrations usually open around December. You can keep an eye on this page, our Instagram and the ASVA newsletter to stay informed when registrations open.

For the training sessions, please indicate a preference, you may not get to your first choice depending on how popular the training is and capacity. If you particularly want to teach 1 specific training and actually want to come mainly for that, we recommend you mention this in the registration form (then we can let you know in advance if you can’t make it), or you can request this training separately.