Anti-Vacancy Subsidy

ASVA Student Union is concerned about the current housing crisis: a crisis that makes the city increasingly inhabitable for anyone who is not a real estate prince or a millionaire.

Have you just moved into a property that the owner has left vacant and do you need help with cleaning up? ASVA is happy to assist in making the city livable. Squatting is not a problem.

The anti-vacancy subsidy can cover costs, furnishings, and renovations. An application has a maximum limit of 100 euros. Additionally, we would like to request that applicants be a member of ASVA or become one. However, we will not check this, as we consider anonymity more important. Furthermore, we would like to ask applicants if they can promote our services within their network.

Send us a message at or DM us on Instagram @asva_studentenvakbond with your request, and we’ll arrange it.